Luo says my post's are inspirational, her daily digests O.O So I have no choice but to post, no matter how un-inspirational it is. hahas. I'm tired..

History exam is now history! XD Well, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would have been. =)It was! heh. Say I'm mad, wierd, whatever, but connie agrees with me!! =X Not much to crap today..just that I am afraid of the LA examination tomorrow. T.T Only praying for the best!

Val mentioned that she ALWAYS met Chiang in the photocopy shop. (other than class lar) Dotz, aiya he's a nice teacher lar. Lets all be nice students *halo*

Slacking the whole afternoon, I did up some screenshots. But well, their no big deal. =X Now I'm getting a hang of photobucket, first time I've used it. I feel so backward O.O

Forum-ing was fun today! I was the eh..fugitive -.- runrunrun..then Byen and Owl were chasing me with their xBows. Kira after that, coz I betrayed him in the story when he got hit WAHAHA. fine lame. Everyone else was eating melting cheese -.- cept me. LOL

I think this sounds nice. Always be positive! =P

It's not because you're bad,
It's because the world it too good.
It's not becuase you're slow,
It's because the world is too fast.
It's not because you're dumb,
It's because the world is too advanced.


`e ObLiT3RaToR~

-nat* on 10:30:00 PM