I am frantic, at this point of time. There's only one way communication can occur. Nothing related to anything it should. Now my language doesn't even make sense. There is a difference, between how it started and how it is now. Supposing a need to make an eye connection, a constant eye connection. Look over the shoulder, and act as if there was something in between. I thought..I thought again. I'm screwed tommorow. Please, forgive me. Not with a cold shoulder, but otherwise.


Connat. A new obssession? I guess not. We made a post examination activities list *+val and luo. The list is..overflowing, from Con's wanting to travel round Singapore to CVN's wanting to learn percussion. It's gonna be a really exceptionally enthraling holiday.. as we fascinate ourselves with unbelievablly amusing activities.

I hope Jan's alright. I lamented about the video-grapher again and told them(val+jan) of my troubles. She mentioned me being a nutritionist.. O.O No wonder GJ came up to ask me for slimming tips =X Her size is pretty amazing isn't it.. maybe you din't know, but she eats really little, guess it's her metabolism rate. That I can't help, no matter how much I try.

HMP. Right, I was sitting with val at the back, and it so happened I got the very interesting table with no makeshift 'pigeon hole' so you could chuck things under the table. As I was unknowingly putting my jacket or so trying to put it under the table, I obviously couldn't. It was hilarious.. I shan't explain. Then again, the other time when LaiWeng 'threw'(as described by Annabelle) her books under the table(without the 'underneath') the books just went 'BAM' on the ground and gave her such a fright. Fortunately I didn't see it, if not I wouldn't stop laughing.. XD

It's hard to believe Connie can get out of her mind isn't it?
Frankly speaking..I think she is already. XD 'chu qi ban'? congratz con, you're officially mad. =X Well doesn't mean I'm not. I'm just one with a blend of uncomprehensable emotions. Just remember, hate, is not amongst them.

TLL. Can get so exasperating, till you just give up. Come on, you mean shaking hands for a slightly extended period of time is called lass? Its also unbearibly unbelievable how Eugenie can just laugh non-stop with her hysterical laughter just because of that lass thing. But precisely it wasn't even one. Judith..I think she gave up too.

Home. Did maths revision paper, I think it's the one from NanQiao. I don't mean any offence, but I do think it's well...easy. 'Unforgettable' and 'Desperado' are truely beautiful songs, the singers, Hady and Jonathon relatively good too. I still need to find the music for the video.. *yawns* any suggestions? Chased to bed, as always. Nitez.

'e ObLiT3RaToR~

-nat* on 9:45:00 PM