start of the frantic period... jiayou people!! 40 days left... or 41 for that matter. ok i'm beginning to panic now.. *flips page* QUADRATICS & THEIR APPLICATIONS *faints* time to seriously concentrate. if not.. byebye trip sci T.T studystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudy. relating to Ms Koh's story, miracles can happen, but you don't sit around and wait for them, you take action. *drills that in* thankfully Luoning was so nice to cough up a whole study schedule during 15 mins of chinese class =). if not i would have gotten lost long ago. -.- the list is..HUGE! gosh, 6 days for each subject, 7 subjects.. we can do it!! (refering to me and connie, and whoever needs that form of encouragement) =P

i really think connie and gang (leona, luoning) are really cute, they go to the extent of calculating seating arrangements to position everyone so that they wouldn't be sitting with the same person and at the same position.. hahas. yea, i joined in too xD and we've been photocopying sets and sets of past year papers. whee~ hope we can finish them in time.

新加坡人快乐不快乐? (the chinese characters don't want to appear the way i want them to. dotz. the topic is 'are singaporeans happy?') next newspaper article writting topic. nin was sharing about the difference between singaporeans and australians, though connie was kinda violently objecting? well, if u look around, in singapore buses, streets, MRTs, anywhere, it seems like theres no one who looks happy. happy, doesn't mean u have to have this wide, teeth glistening grin. it's in the eyes. the sort of tinkle* and shine in the eye. and neither isit pulling a long face, its like a little smile at the corner of the lips, and the lightness in foot and the way on carries him/her-self. though con thinks that people smiling on the bus look very retard.. i agree with nin. singaporeans are not happy, or at least they dont look happy. sad fact *sighs* but in contrast, Americans always seem so happy. *but seeming, might not mean being.* but then again, there are people with extreme sadness, and people with extreme hapiness, so i guess singaporeans are like in between.

are some of the reasons that they are not happy because they have not enough confidence? the definition of confidence in singapore and australia/america differs..quite abit. for example: in singapore

A: how do you think you'll score for the test?
B: hmm, pretty well.
A: *thinks that B is very arrogant*

while in australia:

A: how do you think you'll score for the test?
B: hmm, pretty well.
A: great! good for you!
B: Thanks!

see the difference, in singapore, what is percieved as confidence in australia would be arrogance. i'll conclude this as a social problem that has been previalent in singapore since it came to be, maybe it could be the traditional chinese thinking? maybe.. well i'll end now, better continue mugging =X
till then, cya!

'e ObLiTeRaToR~

-nat* on 1:15:00 PM