secrets to success. Success, is the achievement of something that you have been trying to do. Setting a goal, and completing the task. and success is God given. typically it means fufilling life's goals and missions in God's wils, the blessings of God in one's life, to be. if success is the blessings of God that comes upon our lives, then million dollar question is, how to achieve success? Success come when we have power, the power to BE. Everyone wants success, it defines a person, who they are, where they stand in the world. Status, wealth, health, favour. to have godly success, you need to have a godly perspective, a vision, prophetic revelation. Vision is also defined as a dream, and if there is a dream there would be hope, the first steps to success. if there is no vision, prophetic revelation or dream, one will perish, living life recklessly without hope and there would be no success.

God has destined us to be a successer, the head, not the tail. once we are born, we experience success by the Lord. the world only listens to successful people, not losers. we need to be blessed by the Lord, the Holy Spirit, to have a vision, to be successful. so the first point to be successful, is to have a pophetic revelation, a vision that is given by God.

Thats not all. to have godly success, one needs to to have a heavenly perspective. based on opinions, and believes. vision is like a picture, but perpective is like the lens. A divine perspective that will give us a focus and a sense of positivism so that we can be positive. Perspective affects how we see the society, how we believe ourselves which affects how we act, how we think. having a heavenly perpective would then re-orientates our actions and behavior. it takes the focus of our circumstance to where we should go and where we should be.

get God's assessement of our lives, not the world's assessement. the world's assessment of our lives will always put us down, reject us and make us feel as if we are not successful. but God's assessment is different, it is the way to success. so the second point is to have a heavenly perpective, to be successful. sieze the oppurtunity, and become success. the last point is to pray the right way. pray a God-enableing prayer, a prayer that would enable God to work in your life so you can achieve success.

~Seek the Lord and you would find success~

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