Easter!! bunny rabbits! choc eggs!! is that what you think of when you here the word easter..? What is it's significance? Many christians like me would very well know it: it is the death of Christ and the Resurrection of Christ.
2000 years ago, Jesus was betrayed. Not by his enemies, but by his very own deciple, Judas. He was sold to the Romans, for 20 silver coins... 20 silver coins, is that worth Jeses' life? Obviously not. But Jesus knew. He knew he was to be betrayed. He knew he was to die, cruxified on the cross. But he died not with the knowledge of being betrayed, but he died because of the deep love he had for the people, he died for us, so we would be cleansed f our sins. Who would be so great to do such a noble thing, the Lord. And there he was on the cross, the lamb of the Lord. He did not hate the people who cruxified him, he loved them, he loved all, though all were sinners.
And the night after the Last Supper, was Jesus' must ardous journey to death.. after he was taken captive by the Romans he was beaten, again and again 49 times with a whip with pieces of sharps bones tied on it. Whip after whip, the flesh was torn, blood poured pain surged through Him but he did not faulter or surrender, for His love for us was so deep, he was ready to sacrifice his life for us. then a crown, not of precious jewels and gold, but of thorns. the crown of thorns was force fully placed on Jesus head. Blood trickled down. so did tears of many. and Jesus was then forced to carry the cross he was to be hung on all the way to the place where he was to be cruxified..(i forgot the name of the place..LOL). well yar.. three SEVEN INCH long nails...were driven into Jesus' hands, left, right, and his feet. and there he was. before he died.. he whispered to a deciple... "take care of my mother, Mary as your own mother..." and there and then he died at the break of dawn. People mourned and shrieked in for the injustice done..but he was dead already, time could not turn backwards.. Jesus' body was taken down from the cross, embalmed and but in a stone tomb with a large boulder at the entrance. there the people weeped... on the Third day of his death an angel appeared at the entrance of the tomb, and the stone was rolled away. the people went in to see.. but the body was no more there, the Lord resurrected. He appeared to the people and told them not to be afraid and that he was there. the scars in which the nails were driven into his hands and feet was evidence he was Jesus. Scars will always remain... well.. after he spoke, he rose up to Heaven and there he watched us from up there high above.
If Jesus, had not died for us. What would be of us? We would never be able to have eternal life in Heaven when we die. The Lord sacrificed his one and only son, Jesus for us, so we'd be forgiven. there was yet another story...
There was a railway contractor, he had a son. One day he decided to bring his son to work. so they went to the railway... the contractor was so caught up with his work he nearly forgot about his son.. then he heard a distant sound the chinging of engines.. the whistling of the whistle.. the ringing of train bells...the train is on its way, he smiled in delight. he glanced to the direction of the train... and to his dismay and horror, his son was there. his SON!! he shouted, screamed with all his might to get his son's attention to avoid the track. but his son could not hear anything cept the train's whistle. The man was frantic, desperate, he glanced at his control panel, and there was a big red emergency button, to divert the train onto another track. the man thought over...should i? should i? time was running out, beads of desperation trickled down..he lifted his finger of the button. his son was crushed under the train wheels. this was the price the man had to pay, so that the people on the train could get to their destination. just apply this to the real world. our destination would be Heaven. but to get to heaven we need to be cleansed and forgiven, so Jesus the Son of God was sacrificed for us, so we could get to our destination... a price so high, it is priceless..

Best Wishes and Happy Easter to all.

'e ObLiT3RaToR

-nat* on 10:10:00 PM