blog has..'resurected' lol..hmm..6months last post. too busy wif other stuff. no time?!?! Lunar New Year is like coming in 2 daes n guess wad i got asthma! of all times..sigh. sooooooo sad!! i cant go back to nyps to see my tchrs! sigh. i think i'm beginning to have a sense of 'affection' for someone... juz a simple feeling nothing complexed..i'm juz confused. n having to see 'HER' everyweek serisously makes me sick...her daughter too they so so... fine i shall control myself. they are wrecking my life!!! depriving me of a precious person hu wifout there wont be me..if i could i'll.....*deep breaths..* lol. seeing them is a misery... no one can comprehend the torture i endure..but fret will i not..and they will regret one day..kk enuff of my miserable life..i do have pleasures mom..=D
i wan go plae maple time

-nat* on 6:06:00 PM