mann..the questions never end.. too bad i hurt my toe..missed napfa today.. at least i have the WHOLE june to train now!! =P so flamming list is growing. icy thinks i've got some escapism.. wadeverr.

cca was lame..just slacked the whole time while chattin with sarah.. who seems to be SO like me..only thing shes a gepper. shes smart, shes sweet too.. it was really great talkin to her. n guess wad, she wanted to go nushs too! just like me! but sadness..her mom made her turn it down..awww. such a pity. sigh...

we'll now i'm trying to rush a compo and a compre. both nice.. T.T
hmp test was terrible too, i think i kinda left 5 blanks..all 1 mark. dotz.. oh
well. its over already, theres nothin i can do now rite..

okie then back to mugging and doing hw..lalala~ cya

'e ObLiTe3RaToR-

-nat* on 8:28:00 PM