alright alright! I admit, I was too lazy to post. =X
So now I am. heh..

Drama was great, a success! really. but somehow...i think i have a stalker. zzz

and i cant press the right arrow key properly because the whole not there -.-

I'd make a 'going to learn' list..someday. hahas

Mom and Tye left boarded a plane Saturday morning, at around 7.30, bound for ShangHai. So..guess what, I'M FREE! ok sort of. Oh yea, the night before, friday night. I was watching a show called 'Helen the Baby Fox' really touching. Or maybe i was just being too emotional. -.- Well if you watched 'Quill' and cried, you'd cry while watching this one too. It's by the same producers, and are somehow similar. In the case that they both involve

Saturday, was tiring. I woke up at about 6 to carry mom's bag down the stairs and kiss her goodbye. and, I just couldn't fall asleep after that. So I proped up a chair, sat on it, and started mapling =X WinterMalice pqed like 10 times because it was really early, and lvled, hahas. Then, at about..7? I fell alseep -.-, with the comp on. So..I woke at around 11? Just in time to grab breakfast and rush off for ballet. 11.45 to 12.45. turned out it was 12 to 1. so i was early after all =P. After that...I had nothing to do, and since dad was at Paragon, I decided to walk there with Joaquim and Grace. Then it started getting cloudy... and once we stepped under the shelter of Paragon, the first raindrop hit the ground. Great timing isn't it? =X Went round, had lunch and played video games at the Sony Gallery >< We had to return to Dance Arts at 4 see, but the rain hadn't stopped. So the 3 of us had to squeeze under one pathetic umbrella all the way back to Specialist Centre. Lol! After ballet, headed off to VivoCity with my dad and the 2 'you know who' ...

(or maybe *you don't want to know who*)

We watched 'An Inconvenient Truth'
yes GLOBAL WARMING, is a serious issue. I'm not going to talk so much about it since it's on the following website in which i'm going to give you the URL now..
I believe it's possible to solve this problem. The will of humans can make great changes. Like how peace was declared, ozone layer restored, many breakthroughs in science. Its all whether the people would care more about the envirnoment. That is if they aren't skeptics who think otherwise of global warming being cause by the rise of CO2 lvls.
After the show, went back. In the car I...feeling hurt by remarks made, cried. Well i wasn't really crying because i was scolded. I was crying because i was loosing my pride and at the same time, was very worried...

Today, I lvled =).
Grace(Yip) and her bro, Chris came over to watch 'Wendy Wu, Homecoming Warrior' on disney channel. the verdict? Disney channel is loosing creativity. sigh. After the show, we began piecing togeter a jigsaw puzzle of a girl playing the violin. It's those sort of airy fairy kind of Jap anime angel girl..
100 pieces. Obviously not complete. So wish me luck.

and...I shall sleep now.

'e ObLiT3RaToR~

-nat* on 11:22:00 PM