How to escape a traffic summon..

We've got many ways of escaping from a difficult situation, from a lost worksheet, to a broken vase. Here's an example of how to escape a traffic summon in a 'down-to-earth' but not so cliche way:

Dear Sir/Madam:

I refer to the summon report number xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-x. I know what I have done is wrong, but I am caught between the "desert and the deep-blue sea" situation. One, trying to educate my 4-year old son about the right moral values by not peeing by the side of the road, in which we could have easily done so, in which my son suggested, but I told him it was wrong. We then proceeded to Thomson Plaza quickly to relieve the toddler to his nature call by parking at the side of the road. However, obstructing and unconvenienced others. One reason was because it was a side road. When we came out, to our suprise, I am being issued with a ticket. Enclosed, my son's birth certificate to this act of right and moral value in which I have dispense to my son, with your support.


I found it lying somewhere around the house, kinda found it amusing =X

I PASSED 60%! I won't be retained, nor kicked out of NY! YAY! Ok fine, the marks aren't that impressing anyway, at least I passed 65% too. =P So now I have to think of something profound enough to tell my mom, giving her an explanation regarding the marks.. Most fortunately, I'm good at procrastinating =X

Went for CCA today, enjoyed myself quite abit. I wonder why that thought suddenly sprang from my mind though I came home with muscle cramps so bad, I can hardly walk up a flight of stairs! But I just have to say, it's good to be dancing again, the familiar sounds, counts, voices, feelings. There's suddenly this new motivation and goal that seems worth achieving, just what I need.

Oh yea, and my bookworm personality is back >< Currently I have 9 books in line to be read, haha.

New Moon
The Bartemause Trilogy
The Black Magician Trilogy

I just finished the Guardians of Time Trilogy, and I think it's quite good. Recommended! Haha.

Just FYI. I'll be away from 2nd to 12th Nov. Off to OPC in New Zealand! Really excited about it! =D Sure it's going to be a pretty interesting learning journey, heh. As far as I know, we've already faced the first hurdle, so much about cliques.

Ok shall blog some time soon, though such statements of mine aren't really that reliable.. au revoir!

-nat* on 10:03:00 PM