A friday! Goodness, the happiest day in the week! In which laughing fit occurences are inevitable, at least for me. The day started early today, and as always, ended late. 4 hours of Mr K's presence and I'm still alive! Alright, so the last period today was math. I fell asleep, honestly. Though it wasn't a very rightful thing to be doing, after all I am the chairperson. But sometimes, being too tired, is just being too tired, can't be helped. Or maybe a dash of madness would. So after falling asleep for 2 minutes, I was rushed to the toilet to shock myself with cold water. Too bad the water was of room temperature.

Now, back to math class. Mel was half asleep too. Then, a brilliant idea popped out, tictactoe! It's a really childish game, but it miraculously did help us stay awake. While therefore resulted us to not concentrate in class. After a fierce game of TTT, we came to this conclusion: 'If two parties have are too smart. tictactoe isnt the game for you.' There'll just be no end! Definition of an end in TTT: 'One party winning, or getting 3 crosses or circles in a horizontal, diagonal or vertical row.'

Moving on to more madness. Another one of Mel's Eurekas, American Express! She just blurted out the word and we were left there laughing for 5 minutes. With Hsin Fang and Chenyi joining us. The saying goes, a trick only works once. Well, after Mel's second Eureka, we didnt find it funny anymore. So now it's Hsin Fang, and well my turn to get crazy. Not forgetting, it's still math class. Remember the Mastercard advertistment with Richard Gears in it? The one shot in Jaipur, India. Well, she or rather, we were using a terribly mimicked Indian accent to say the lines that were in the ad. It was just somehow, hilarious.

After much slapstick humour from our so very witty Hsin Fang. Me and Caroline started to be, inhuman. At least that was what some of our classmates were thinking. By then math class was over already, but Mr T was still there anyway.

I was early for CCA! JieYi and Debbie kinda dragged me there. A few seniors came back today, I've been missing them, especially Faris! Finally got to see her again. Ok, towards the end of CCA, I was honestly going crazy. From Sui's 'ants' to sitting on Zhou, and how Lim Min's pressence would help HuiFang and JieYi do the 'flying' move. It was really, really funny. I'm surrounded by crazy people, including myself. But techinically, it's not right to say I surround myself, hmm.

Not to mention, there was P-T-M (Parent teacher meeting) today. After which a talk was held to raise any concerns regarding the sec 3 students, and of course the end of year global classroom programme too. I'm going to go to New Zealand, at least hoping so! I was so suprised my mom allowed me to go after attending the talk. Well, great then!

I suddenly reminded myself, we have officially 17 more days to SYF. This is getting really stressful. Just a side point, I get to skip class! Not that it is a good thing though. Ok, now I'm being chased to maple. LoL.

-nat* on 9:25:00 PM