I suppose you've already realised luoning, that i dont have new blog posts, because i have nothing to write about. Besides, you owe me email replies luo!
It's 20th May today, the last blog tag from you shows the date, 19th May.
Therefore we can infer that luoning has internet access on 19th May.
The second last email that i had sent to her was dated, 7th May.
The last email that i had sent to her was dated, 10th May.
I was worried, wondering what had happened to her, as she had mentioned that she would diligently reply my emails as if it were her lifeline.
Now i know i have nothing to worry about, because it was 19th May, yesterday, and she was able to access the internet, thus she has access to her email inbox, unless under some strange circumstance, she is unable to.
An assumption has been made that luoning did not bother to reply the email, she should not have forgotten, unless her inbox identified my email as junk, but still she could have made an effort to contact me in other ways, other than through my blog tags, as it's been made clear i do not visit my blog often.

-nat* on 10:20:00 AM